「樂活一站」及「陪月一站」服務條款 Smart Living & Smart Baby Care - Terms & Conditions (MC)

「樂活一站」及「陪月一站」服務條款 Smart Living & Smart Baby Care - Terms & Conditions (MC)

Thank you for choosing Smart Living or Smart Baby Care Service! Registered employers must accept the terms and conditions. Please read it thoroughly and fill in this form to complete the procedure.

* 必須填寫項目 Compulsory fields

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    請選擇服務條款的語言 Please select language for the Terms & Conditions

  • 「樂活一站」及「陪月一站」服務條款


    1. 你須確保所提供的所有資料真確無訛。
    2. 首次登記空缺的僱主,無論透過任何方式登記,須遞交最近三個月發出的地址證明(如水/電/煤/銀行/電話賬單),文件上的姓名及地址須與僱主或聯絡人的登記姓名及地址相同。
    3. 陪月空缺的登記有效期為九個月,其他空缺的登記有效期為三個月。每個空缺只需登記一次,在空缺登記有效期內,你無須重覆登記相同的空缺。若你的登記資料有變,或決定取消空缺,請透過「ERB家居服務」流動應用程式更新,或聯絡相關的「樂活中心」或「陪月一站」辦理。
    4. 你在登記空缺時填寫的所有資料,均不可以違反《性別歧視條例》、《殘疾歧視條例》、《家庭崗位歧視條例》及《種族歧視條例》。請切勿填寫求職人士性別、年齡或種族的限制或任何歧視成份的要求,否則該登記空缺將不被接納。詳情請瀏覽平等機會委員會網頁www.eoc.org.hk,或致電2511 8211聯絡該委員會。
    5. 若你需要收集求職人士的個人資料,你必須遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定,妥善處理這些資料。詳情請瀏覽香港個人資料私隱專員公署網頁www.pcpd.org.hk,或致電2827 2827聯絡該署。
    6. 根據《強制性公積金計劃條例》,除獲豁免人士(包括「家務僱員」)外,你應安排年滿18歲至64歲,受僱60日或以上的全職及兼職僱員,在受僱首60日內登記參加強積金計劃。詳情請瀏覽強制性公積金計劃管理局網頁www.mpfa.org.hk,或致電2918 0102聯絡該局。
    7. 若你對「樂活中心」或「陪月一站」的職員或助理作出滋擾性行為,包括但不限於粗言穢語、語帶威脅、謾罵、在未經同意下發送銷售資料、發送令人不安的信息或影像等,僱員再培訓局(再培訓局)、「樂活中心」及「陪月一站」有權拒絕或終止向你提供服務。


    1. 你須確保填補空缺的人士會是你的直接僱員,並受《僱傭條例》保障。再培訓局、「樂活中心」及「陪月一站」不會介入僱主及助理的僱傭關係。故此,再培訓局、「樂活中心」、「陪月一站」及其僱員不會就你及助理雙方議定的服務安排,包括但不限於服務內容及薪金,負上任何法律責任。
    2. 根據《僱員補償條例》的規定,所有僱主必須為其僱員(包括全職及兼職僱員,例如兼職家務助理)投購工傷補償保險(勞保),以承擔僱主在《僱員補償條例》及普通法方面的工傷補償責任。詳情請瀏覽勞工處網頁 www.labour.gov.hk,或致電 2717 1771聯絡該處。
    3. 你須承諾會為助理購買勞保,及在其正式上工前,向「樂活中心」或「陪月一站」提供勞保資料,或透過「樂活中心」或「陪月一站」購買再培訓局指定保險公司所提供的單次或兩星期勞保。如你未能在助理上工前提供勞保的資料或証明予「樂活中心」或「陪月一站」,再培訓局、「樂活中心」或「陪月一站」有可能通知勞工處,作跟進或調查《僱員補償條例》下的可疑違例個案。
    4. 你必須按照《最低工資條例》的規定,就任何工資期支付不少於法定最低工資水平的工資予受聘於此職位空缺並受《最低工資條例》涵蓋的人士。若你所提交職位空缺的工資水平未能符合法定最低工資的要求,「樂活中心」及「陪月一站」將不會接納該空缺。
    5. 請你考慮與受聘的助理簽訂僱傭合約,列明僱用條件,以免日後爭議。僱傭合約樣本可於「樂活一站」網頁www.erb.org/smartliving/,或「陪月一站」網頁 www.erb.org/smartbabycare 下載。
    6. 在轉介助理時,你會獲得助理的個人資料,分別註明(1)由助理提供的基本資料;及/或(2)由再培訓局系統自動更新的紀錄。請你自行向助理查證(1)的資料。
    7. 「樂活一站」及「陪月一站」要求所有助理聲明及保證向再培訓局、「樂活中心」、「陪月一站」及/或僱主所提供的一切資料均屬真實及正確。助理會就其錯誤、遺漏或錯誤陳述或失實陳述(不論明示或暗示)承擔全部責任。再培訓局、「樂活中心」、「陪月一站」及其職員不會因使用或不當使用或依據有關助理所提供的資料而引致或所涉及的任何損失、毀壞或損害(包括但不限於相應而生的損失、毀壞或損害)負上任何法律責任。


    1. 你清楚明白所有經「樂活中心」轉介的按摩員均以自僱身份提供服務。再培訓局及「樂活中心」不會介入客戶與按摩員雙方的實際交易中。故此,再培訓局、「樂活中心」及其僱員不會就你與按摩員雙方議定的服務安排,包括但不限於服務內容及費用,負上任何法律責任。
    2. 作為服務地址的佔用人(occupier),你和在服務地址內的其他人有責任確保按摩員在提供按摩服務時的個人安全,包括但不限於:(1)按摩員的個人或財物安全;(2)服務地址的安全並適合進行按摩服務,以免意外發生。
    3. 你會尊重按摩員的專業操守,不會作出不合理的要求。


    1. 收集及保存個人資料的目的及用途
    (i) 無論透過任何方式登記空缺,你所提供的個人資料,將交由再培訓局、「樂活中心」及/或「陪月一站」作轉介服務、統計、意見調查或投購短期勞保之用(如適用)。這些資料是你在自願的情況下提供的,如資料不足,再培訓局、「樂活中心」及/或「陪月一站」可能無法為你提供轉介服務。
    (ii) 為達至上述目的,你的個人資料或會轉移至求職者、「樂活中心」、「陪月一站」、保險經紀公司或保險公司(如經再培訓局投購短期勞保)、及/或再培訓局委託的顧問公司。此外,如你未能在助理上工前提供勞保的資料或証明予再培訓局、「樂活中心」及/或「陪月一站」,再培訓局、「樂活中心」及/或「陪月一站」有可能會將你的個人資料轉交勞工處,以作跟進或調查《僱員補償條例》下的可疑違例個案。
    (iii) 再培訓局可能會使用你的個人資料(包括但不限於姓名、地址、電郵地址及電話號碼),以即時通訊軟件、電郵、短訊、信件及電話等方式向你提供有關推廣再培訓局課程、服務、活動和設施的相關資訊。再培訓局可能把你的個人資料提供予「樂活中心」、「陪月一站」及/或再培訓局委託的機構作相關的用途。
    2. 你可向再培訓局要求查閱及/或索取一份有關個人資料的複本。如發現資料不正確,你亦可要求更正有關資料。再培訓局可向索取個人資料複本的申請人收取費用。
    3. 如欲查閱及/或更正個人資料,索取個人資料複本,或不願意再培訓局把你的個人資料作直接推廣用途,可隨時向「樂活中心」或「陪月一站」提出,或致電再培訓局熱線:182 182。

  • Smart Living & Smart Baby Care - Terms & Conditions

    A. Terms & Conditions for Vacancy Registration

    1. You must ensure that all the information provided is true and correct.
    2. Regardless of the vacancy registration method, all first-time registrants are required to submit an address proof (e.g. water/electricity/town gas/telephone bills or bank statement) issued within the recent 3 months with name and address identical to the registered name and address of the employer or the contact person.
    3. Registration of post-natal care vacancy is valid for 9 months, while all other vacancy registrations are valid for 3 months. Once a vacancy is registered, you need not re-register the same vacancy during the validity period. If you wish to change your registration information or cancel your registration, please update your records in the “ERB Home Services” Mobile App, or notify the relevant Smart Living - Regional Service Centre (RSC) or the Smart Baby Care (SBC).
    4. All information you have provided in the vacancy registration must not violate the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance and the Race Discrimination Ordinance. Please do not specify any requirements on the gender, age, race of the job seekers or any other discriminatory terms. Otherwise, your vacancy registration will not be accepted. For details of the Ordinances, please visit the website of the Equal Opportunities Commission at www.eoc.org.hk or contact them at 2511 8211.
    5. If you need to collect personal data of job seekers, please observe the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in collecting and handling the personal data. For details, please visit the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong at www.pcpd.org.hk or contact them at 2827 2827.
    6. Under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, except for exempt persons (including domestic employees), employers are required to enrol both their full-time and part-time employees aged 18 to 64 who have been employed for a continuous period of 60 days or more in an MPF scheme within the first 60 days of their employment. For details, please visit the website of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority at www.mpfa.org.hk or contact them at 2918 0102.
    7. Any nuisances or disruptive behaviors including but not limited to using foul language, making threats, making abusive remarks, sending unwanted marketing information, sending disturbing messages or images to RSCs or SBC staff or helpers are not accepted. The Employees Retraining Board (ERB), the RSCs and the SBC reserve the right to refuse or terminate the service to you.

    B. Terms & Conditions for Recruitment (Applicable to domestic helper/personal care helper/post-natal care helper/infant child care helper vacancies)

    1. You have to guarantee that the person recruited for this vacancy is a direct employee of you and would be subjected to the protection of the Employment Ordinance. ERB, the RSCs and the SBC will not get involved in the employer-and-employee relationship between you and the helpers, therefore, ERB, RSCs, SBC and their staff shall refute any liability to the service arrangements, including but not limited to the service contents and wage agreed between you and the helpers.
    2. Under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance, all employers are required to take out employees’ compensation insurance to cover their liabilities both under the Ordinance and at common law for work injuries in respect of all their employees (including full-time and part-time employees, e.g. part-time domestic helpers). For enquiries, please visit the website of the Labour Department at www.labour.gov.hk or contact them at 2717 1771.
    3. You should undertake to take out employees’ compensation insurance for your recruited helper and provide information about the insurance policy to RSC or SBC on or before the duty date, or take out the short term insurance policies offered by the designated insurers of ERB via RSC or SBC. If you fail to do so, ERB, RSC or SBC may refer your case to the Labour Department of suspected case of violation of Employees’ Compensation Ordinance.
    4. You should pay the employee(s), to whom the Minimum Wage Ordinance applies, hired to fill this post wages no less than the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) rate in respect of any wage period in accordance with requirements of the ordinance. Registration of any vacancies with wages offered below the SMW rate will not be accepted.
    5. You are advised to enter into written employment contracts with your helpers, specifying the terms of employment so as to avoid unnecessary conflicts and disputes. A sample employment contract can be downloaded from the Smart Living website at www.erb.org/smartliving/ or the Smart Baby Care website at www.erb.org/smartbabycare/ .
    6. During the referral process, you will receive the personal information of the referred helper specifying (1) basic information provided by the helper and/or (2) information automatically updated by the ERB system. You are advised to verify helper’s information specified at (1) on your own.
    7. Smart Living and Smart Baby Care requires all the helpers to declare and guarantee that all the information they provided to ERB, RSCs, SBC and/or the employer is true and correct. Helpers will be liable for any errors in, omissions from, or misstatements or misrepresentations (whether express or implied) concerning any such information. ERB, RSCs, SBC and their staff shall refute any liability to any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on such information.

    C. Disclaimer for Home-based Client (Applicable to Masseur vacancies)

    1. All masseurs referred through Smart Living provide services in the capacity of self-employed persons. ERB and the RSCs will not get involved in the transaction between the clients and the masseurs, therefore, ERB, the RSCs and their staff shall refute any liability to the service arrangements, including but not limited to the service contents and service charge agreed between you and the masseurs.
    2. As the occupier of the service address, you and any others in the service address are responsible for ensuring the masseur’s personal safety whilst providing the service, including but not limited to:(1) safety of the masseur and his/her property; (2) safety and suitability of the premises to carry out massage services, so as to avoid accidents.
    3. You should respect the masseur’s professional conduct, and will not make any unreasonable demands.

    D. Statement of Purposes for Personal Data

    1. Purpose for collecting and keeping personal data:
    (i) Regardless of the vacancy registration method, the personal data and vacancy registration information as provided by you will be used by ERB, RSCs and/or SBC for job referral, statistical, survey purposes, or taking out short-term insurance policy (if applicable). The provision of personal data in the process of your registration is voluntary. However, if you do not provide sufficient information, we may not be able to provide the referral service to you.
    (ii) For the above purposes, the personal data provided by you may be disclosed to job seekers, RSCs, SBC, insurance broker or insurer (if taken out short-term insurance via ERB), and/or research companies appointed by ERB. If you fail to provide information/proof of taking out a valid insurance policy for your helper(s) to ERB, relevant RSCs and/or SBC, your personal data may be disclosed to the Labour Department for investigation into a suspected case of violation of the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance.
    (iii) ERB may use your personal data (including, but not limited to, name, address, email address and telephone number) for sending to you marketing information related to training courses, services, activities, facilities and related information of ERB (“Relevant Information”), through instant messaging apps, emails, SMS, direct mailing and telephone calls, etc. Your personal data may be transferred to RSCs, SBC and/or companies commissioned by ERB for such purposes.
    2. You are allowed to access to and/or obtain a copy of your personal data and/or to correct the personal data should the record be incorrect. ERB may collect a fee from you for a copy of your personal data.
    3. You have rights of access to and correction of your personal data, obtain copies of your personal data, or object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. You may send your requests to any RSC or SBC or call ERB hotline at 182 182.

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